Thursday 22 January 2015

Mission 60

Fitness - Everyone of us want to be known fit and maintain fitness. Me too... It is something which reminds you every step you walk, as if someone is repeatedly asking you 'Are you fit ? Can you take the challenge of taking the steps fast...'  I decided I should be fit and the fittest whole day...

It started with a visit to the diagnostic laboratory. when the medical attendant asked me to stand on the weighing scale. I weighed 71kgs. Alas! I was 11 kgs overweight.

I vowed to get my body back into fighting fit shape, titled my goal - Mission 60.  I dedicated time to learn more about weight loss. I was clear that I did not want to spend a huge sum for crash diets.

With a zeal to know about techniques to cut down my weight, I started exploring various methods for weight loss, judging and deciding which will suit me, arrived at a conclusion and a plan to reach my goal to achieve Mission 60 and  reached half way, And here I am to share with you all...

I can summarize my learning about weight loss into 3 parts:

  1.  Do you know the size of your stomach: it is the size of a closed right fist of the person. having known this info, I started observing the portion sizes. I found myself eating approximately, twice or in some instances thrice the stomach size. no wonder I was fat. I focused on reducing the portion size. I moved away from 2 huge meals to 6 - 8 small meals. this change was challenging but not impossible.
  2. Junk food/ Deep fried food: I observed the times in a day when I craved for junk. i started replacing the junk food with salads/ tea.this was easy. I just had to find a healthy alternative and substitute it.
  3. Workout: I started to walk for 3 km daily. I changed my cab pickup time to fit in 1 hour of cardio workout. this helped in building a habit.

With these changes, I have shed 6 kgs. I have learnt to manage my food intake at parties, buffet dinners, and all you can eat meals. I have not reached my goal yet, Definitely I am on the right track.
This has been a big highlight for me in 2014. I am confident that in 2015, I will hit my target.

Thanks for all the support and encouragement from my family and friends. 

Manish Rahatekar
President Madhapur Toastmasters,